Kentucky - ( Weekly Weighted Average ) - November 12, 2024
Sell Market
Sell Weight
Sell Price
Sell Total
Cost of Gain
Fixed Cost
Replacement Market
Frankfort, KY Tue Nov, 12 2024
Kentucky Weekly Livestock Auction Summary
Feeder Cattle Weighted Average Report for 11/04/2024
Current Previous Year Ago
—————————— —————————— ——————————
Total 17871 20564 25543
Feeder Cattle 14604 17112 21759
Slaughter Cattle 2573 2743 3091
Replacement Cattle 694 709 693
Compared to last week, feeder steers sold mostly 2.00 to 4.00 higher with
exceptions up to 8.00 higher. Heifers were mostly steady to 3.00 higher.
Yearling steers sold steady and yearling heifers were mixed with trends
ranging from 3.00 lower to 3.00 higher. There was good demand for all
feeder and yearling classes with active buyer participation showing best
interest for weaned and preconditioned packages. Slaughter cows and bulls
were unevenly steady with trends reported from 3.00 lower to 3.00 higher
throughout the week.
Steers Medium and Large 1-2
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
3 177 177 275.00 275.00
3 245 245 300.00-320.00 307.50
2 257 257 335.00 335.00 Fancy
4 260-280 268 305.00-342.50 316.81
22 300-340 323 280.00-332.50 312.67
23 300-346 330 315.00-360.00 341.38 Fancy
10 305-345 331 300.00-360.00 342.93 Value Added
58 350-395 369 280.00-337.00 317.39
26 353-382 370 305.00-345.00 333.21 Fancy
17 350-393 375 300.00-353.00 324.25 Value Added
39 400-445 421 272.00-355.00 297.16 Value Added
73 400-447 423 255.00-337.50 300.40
49 400-448 427 295.00-335.00 318.07 Fancy
29 452-490 465 281.00-320.00 302.40 Fancy
132 450-498 470 255.00-317.50 285.99
85 450-499 474 274.00-327.50 295.04 Value Added
107 500-545 523 268.00-305.00 286.22 Value Added
182 500-549 525 245.00-295.00 269.76
241 550-596 573 245.00-275.00 264.12
119 552-599 575 262.00-290.00 278.79 Value Added
99 600-645 618 250.00-284.00 270.07 Value Added
7 619 619 283.00 283.00 Fancy
219 600-649 624 229.00-277.50 251.60
1 625 625 222.00 222.00 Fleshy
203 650-696 670 227.50-272.00 250.82
80 651-697 681 250.00-275.00 257.32 Value Added
133 703 703 277.40 277.40 Fancy
136 700-748 720 244.00-269.00 262.19 Value Added
85 700-748 721 217.50-259.00 239.78
273 750-791 767 246.00-260.75 257.21 Value Added
61 750-797 772 210.00-253.00 232.97
61 818 818 249.50 249.50 Thin Fleshed
386 821-838 828 239.00-255.75 250.45 Value Added
121 800-845 836 200.00-237.00 230.59
22 850-880 863 203.00-240.00 220.11
451 853-893 867 233.00-249.50 245.39 Value Added
298 905-923 914 229.00-247.80 237.49 Value Added
16 903-940 922 197.50-220.00 210.27
59 951 951 234.00 234.00 Value Added
21 950-991 973 190.00-216.00 208.50
5 1012-1020 1016 190.00-205.00 197.82
34 1017 1017 225.75 225.75 Value Added
3 1050-1090 1077 200.00 200.00
166 1075-1099 1087 218.00 218.00 Value Added
46 1130 1130 196.50 196.50 Value Added
Steers Medium and Large 2
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
1 205 205 295.00 295.00
2 272 272 280.00 280.00
3 300-335 317 275.00-305.00 289.68
10 350-380 366 280.00-310.00 298.07
7 400-445 418 240.00-299.00 276.61
17 455-495 472 222.50-275.00 254.46
10 500-545 524 240.00-266.00 252.61
18 550-590 571 230.00-265.00 248.94
13 603-642 622 230.00-259.00 241.64
4 652-665 656 212.50-232.50 224.31
3 715-740 732 210.00-220.00 216.74
1 750 750 219.00 219.00
1 800 800 212.50 212.50
1 935 935 209.00 209.00
Steers Medium and Large 2-3
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
2 225 225 290.00 290.00
9 255-285 270 230.00-292.00 251.60
4 315-343 333 262.50-287.50 275.39
8 360-380 366 222.00-290.00 266.07
16 400-445 428 210.00-285.00 258.52
37 451-495 471 100.00-277.50 242.00
37 500-548 528 200.00-268.00 240.03
42 550-597 574 114.00-254.00 235.36
32 600-648 633 200.00-246.00 230.39
29 650-695 671 207.50-239.00 224.38
10 705-730 717 200.00-230.00 214.75
18 750-791 770 183.50-220.00 196.00
5 805-830 819 180.00-212.50 198.34
2 875-885 880 182.50-215.00 198.84
5 900-920 912 144.00-200.00 182.35
2 950-990 970 140.00-191.00 164.97
1 1095 1095 193.00 193.00
Steers Large 1-2
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
1 345 345 302.50 302.50
2 432 432 270.00 270.00
3 460-480 467 250.00-260.00 256.57
3 523 523 230.00 230.00
9 555-594 585 226.00-237.50 228.42
8 612-640 623 226.00-242.50 230.24
10 655-680 674 232.00-241.00 235.38
9 727-740 729 196.00-233.00 226.27
3 800-842 828 180.00-225.00 210.51
1 880 880 217.50 217.50
Steers Large 2
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
1 580 580 210.00 210.00
1 625 625 222.50 222.50
3 670-695 687 220.00-222.50 221.69
1 770 770 195.00 195.00
Steers Large 2-3
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
2 602 602 185.00 185.00
Steers Medium 1-2
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
1 510 510 210.00 210.00
Steers Small 1-2
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
1 650 650 212.50 212.50
1 845 845 200.00 200.00
Steers Small and Medium 1-2
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
2 585 585 220.00 220.00
1 670 670 203.00 203.00
Heifers Medium and Large 1-2
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
15 200-245 223 260.00-310.00 275.65
48 250-297 276 171.00-290.00 261.37
1 280 280 211.00 211.00 Fancy
100 300-347 323 228.00-300.00 258.73
8 300-342 325 262.00-278.00 270.55 Value Added
17 300-336 332 210.00-300.00 294.44 Fancy
5 365 365 270.00-275.00 271.00 Value Added
220 350-397 376 140.00-286.00 255.43
10 356-395 378 250.00-287.50 270.87 Fancy
59 400-445 421 252.50-295.00 273.01 Fancy
3 423 423 280.00 280.00 Thin Fleshed
241 400-449 425 230.00-270.00 248.67
24 400-440 428 243.00-287.50 258.84 Value Added
35 450-482 464 240.00-267.50 248.89 Value Added
429 450-499 473 229.00-272.50 245.30
50 450-495 474 250.00-270.00 258.43 Fancy
400 500-548 523 220.00-255.00 237.32
205 500-549 536 235.00-270.00 258.17 Value Added
2 550 550 254.00 254.00 Fancy
360 550-599 571 140.00-255.00 233.15
86 552-590 579 240.50-266.00 248.78 Value Added
8 580 580 257.00 257.00 Replacement
1 600 600 191.00 191.00 Fleshy
30 601 601 259.00 259.00 Fancy
266 600-648 621 126.00-237.50 223.72
130 600-648 636 230.00-250.00 246.78 Value Added
149 651-697 671 190.00-235.00 221.58
13 673-680 674 237.00-238.00 237.08 Guaranteed Open
1 680 680 201.00 201.00 Fleshy
235 661-689 682 234.00-247.80 242.24 Value Added
61 700-745 721 121.00-227.00 207.16
18 715-743 740 215.00-222.00 221.25 Value Added
1 755 755 230.00 230.00 Replacement
133 753-770 756 221.00-237.00 236.25 Value Added
11 756-761 759 212.00-222.50 216.76 Guaranteed Open
41 750-797 776 116.00-221.00 199.48
78 800-831 808 214.50-233.75 228.92 Fancy
5 807-835 813 195.00-198.00 197.38 Guaranteed Open
19 805-840 818 177.50-218.00 200.18
64 815-843 842 225.00-230.50 230.33 Value Added
2 870 870 198.00 198.00 Guaranteed Open
22 855-896 873 170.00-214.00 193.54
21 878 878 216.75 216.75 Value Added
27 905-945 922 126.00-202.00 190.32
4 905-945 935 197.00-198.00 197.24 Guaranteed Open
34 942 942 208.00 208.00 Value Added
1 965 965 190.00 190.00 Guaranteed Open
11 950-990 970 162.50-190.00 176.91
5 1010-1040 1020 157.00-200.00 173.59
1 1065 1065 167.00 167.00
7 1115-1148 1143 165.00-175.00 173.61
Heifers Medium and Large 2
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
1 245 245 230.00 230.00
1 290 290 242.50 242.50
8 315-345 331 212.50-260.00 246.06
10 355-395 371 210.00-245.00 235.61
33 400-437 422 192.50-249.00 230.28
59 450-495 466 200.00-242.50 223.95
21 500-545 524 200.00-236.00 216.60
22 550-595 575 200.00-235.00 214.89
10 600-635 619 200.00-212.50 206.00
1 640 640 190.00 190.00 Fleshy
5 650-685 663 207.50-217.00 212.16
9 700-735 715 160.00-209.00 193.09
3 785-793 790 192.50-201.00 198.19
1 845 845 150.00 150.00
4 860-872 869 170.00-175.00 172.51
2 990 990 157.50 157.50
Heifers Medium and Large 2-3
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
2 210-220 215 200.00-240.00 219.53
19 250-295 275 117.50-260.00 227.28
44 305-345 323 200.00-267.50 235.54
65 350-397 376 195.00-257.50 230.41
69 400-448 428 175.00-295.00 221.85
79 450-495 473 95.00-267.00 220.89
131 500-545 526 140.00-237.00 218.09
101 550-595 574 97.00-227.50 210.69
77 600-645 624 92.00-220.00 196.65
44 650-698 676 150.00-214.00 189.55
23 700-745 722 156.00-208.00 183.09
17 750-795 767 101.00-190.00 177.23
9 800-845 826 165.00-203.00 183.10
6 855-880 872 149.00-179.00 165.93
6 910-948 939 141.00-177.00 164.68
1 1015 1015 157.50 157.50
3 1118 1118 161.00 161.00
Heifers Large 1-2
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
3 310-337 328 233.00-242.50 235.99
11 500-545 540 212.50-239.50 236.64
2 567 567 225.00 225.00
5 610-640 621 180.00-210.00 186.72
7 703-720 712 182.50-190.00 187.84
Heifers Large 2
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
2 560 560 200.00 200.00
1 770 770 160.00 160.00
Heifers Medium 1-2
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
4 555-591 582 202.00-211.00 204.15
Heifers Small 1-2
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
1 550 550 220.00 220.00
Heifers Small and Medium 1-2
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
1 315 315 210.00 210.00
3 355-380 365 200.00-206.00 201.95
7 400-440 420 200.00-214.00 207.51
4 450-475 465 175.00-213.00 198.22
13 500-548 529 190.00-206.00 199.74
8 555-590 581 200.00-210.00 205.53
1 660 660 170.00 170.00
Bulls Medium and Large 1-2
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
3 200-240 223 350.00-365.00 356.94 Fancy
20 200-245 227 272.50-365.00 317.84
2 250 250 300.00 300.00 Value Added
9 250-285 267 320.00-341.00 333.36 Fancy
28 250-295 276 225.00-340.00 299.71
16 311-340 319 307.50-327.50 316.62 Fancy
45 300-345 332 270.00-324.00 298.61
9 340-345 344 324.00-327.00 324.33 Value Added
5 350-395 365 310.00-327.50 320.05 Value Added
45 350-395 365 310.00-342.00 322.81 Fancy
107 350-397 378 232.00-340.00 296.96
19 400-445 423 259.00-318.00 286.69 Value Added
38 400-446 425 292.50-347.50 312.05 Fancy
175 400-449 433 240.00-330.00 278.66
6 450-465 456 295.00-314.00 307.11 Fancy
187 450-495 475 222.50-297.00 271.92
12 455-481 475 270.00-315.00 279.74 Value Added
17 505-537 516 270.00-305.00 279.31 Fancy
12 500-541 517 256.00-266.00 260.03 Value Added
241 500-549 521 220.00-285.00 254.20
32 551-580 560 252.00-277.00 263.43 Fancy
1 565 565 253.00 253.00 Value Added
192 550-595 569 223.00-267.00 243.21
205 600-647 621 202.50-252.50 229.83
18 612-645 622 240.00-256.00 244.60 Fancy
3 625-635 628 237.00-239.00 238.33 Value Added
1 655 655 237.00 237.00 Value Added
155 650-695 665 192.50-244.00 224.09
2 665 665 243.00 243.00 Fancy
3 703 703 215.00 215.00 Fancy
101 700-748 721 180.00-230.00 210.20
32 750-790 768 190.00-228.00 209.41
26 800-845 822 170.00-204.00 186.56
3 855-880 867 182.50-193.00 188.53
2 902 902 190.00 190.00
2 955-960 958 138.00-177.00 157.55
2 1000-1045 1023 159.00-182.50 170.49
2 1055-1075 1065 145.00-167.50 156.14
2 1000-1240 1120 160.71-241.07 205.20 (<2 yrs)
2 1200 1200 132.00 132.00
3 1110-1330 1235 105.26-242.92 174.31 Young
1 1330 1330 174.00 174.00 Young
2 1320-1625 1473 118.81-164.63 144.09 Young/Middle Aged
Bulls Medium and Large 2
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
2 200-210 205 240.00-275.00 257.07
2 250-285 268 265.00-267.50 266.17
3 300-347 331 225.00-267.50 254.67
22 350-395 376 250.00-291.00 275.60
15 410-445 430 262.50-297.50 281.78
66 450-498 473 227.00-287.50 254.51
28 500-545 524 222.50-244.00 235.46
32 555-585 570 220.00-240.00 228.27
10 600-648 632 210.00-227.50 215.64
10 652-685 671 190.00-215.00 201.82
9 700-745 721 182.50-210.00 198.20
7 750-795 763 170.00-206.00 195.32
2 977 977 130.00 130.00
Bulls Medium and Large 2-3
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
10 210-230 227 245.00-280.00 266.14
11 250-295 275 175.00-282.50 259.55
24 300-345 319 230.00-282.50 266.79
13 350-395 374 222.50-289.00 251.69
52 400-447 424 210.00-285.00 237.18
46 453-495 474 106.00-280.00 228.81
73 500-547 526 200.00-280.00 226.33
46 550-596 572 184.00-247.00 219.66
38 600-645 619 105.00-226.00 200.32
39 650-695 672 183.00-215.00 198.39
17 700-745 725 165.00-200.00 181.97
24 755-795 773 160.00-197.00 185.39
13 800-836 827 159.00-190.00 171.14
12 875-895 881 160.00-188.00 177.32
4 925-945 935 123.00-167.50 148.76
1 1000 1000 142.00 142.00
Bulls Large 1
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
2 602 602 232.50 232.50
Bulls Large 1-2
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
9 400-447 411 230.00-302.50 240.35
1 465 465 255.00 255.00
4 500-520 506 225.00-232.50 227.50
2 565-575 570 222.00-230.00 225.96
16 610-625 613 211.00-227.50 215.63
7 651-675 658 192.00-200.00 197.66
7 705-747 736 180.00-202.00 187.70
1 805 805 174.00 174.00
1 935 935 164.00 164.00
Bulls Large 2
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
1 465 465 265.00 265.00
1 625 625 195.00 195.00
1 685 685 197.50 197.50
Bulls Medium 1-2
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
1 320 320 140.00 140.00
1 445 445 220.00 220.00
1 610 610 210.00 210.00
1 670 670 170.00 170.00
Bulls Small 1-2
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
2 442 442 215.00 215.00
Bulls Small and Medium 1-2
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
1 325 325 220.00 220.00
3 375-390 380 220.00-235.00 225.13
5 460-475 465 192.50-215.00 198.58
3 510-535 520 190.00-207.00 195.96
9 555-590 577 200.00-219.00 208.77
Dairy Heifers Large 3
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
1 335 335 147.50 147.50
2 370-380 375 152.00-161.00 156.44
1 420 420 165.00 165.00
5 467 467 131.00 131.00
5 525-543 539 125.00-148.00 143.52
11 577 577 195.00 195.00 Value Added
2 658 658 130.00 130.00
1 835 835 160.00 160.00
2 990 990 128.00-136.00 132.00
1 1000 1000 130.00 130.00
1 1050 1050 144.00 144.00
Dairy Heifers Small and Medium 3
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
1 425 425 115.00 115.00
1 680 680 100.00 100.00
1 805 805 100.00 100.00
Dairy Steers Large 3
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
12 250-262 252 302.50-327.50 323.17 Fancy
12 250-275 256 176.00-260.00 237.01
7 330 330 273.00 273.00 Fancy
6 354 354 251.00 251.00
56 358-397 369 266.00-270.00 268.77 Value Added
26 400-435 414 156.00-265.00 249.72
13 425 425 270.50 270.50 Value Added
74 472 472 259.50 259.50 Value Added
31 476-495 487 228.00-242.00 239.56
26 521 521 238.00 238.00 Value Added
5 505-545 533 179.00-236.00 219.66
83 553-596 591 235.00-242.00 235.71 Value Added
98 607-630 609 239.00 239.00 Value Added
47 603-645 610 120.00-235.00 223.18
15 690-692 691 222.00-229.00 228.53
22 709 709 223.00 223.00 Value Added
2 710-725 718 192.00-197.00 194.47
2 780-785 783 130.00-176.00 152.93
1 835 835 160.00 160.00
2 890 890 125.00-149.00 137.00
23 903-930 913 160.00-180.50 176.55
19 956-995 967 110.00-179.50 166.76
3 1000-1010 1007 152.50-162.00 157.83
2 1085-1090 1088 151.00 151.00
1 1120 1120 156.00 156.00
15 1168-1188 1187 156.25-159.00 156.43
1 1275 1275 122.00 122.00
Dairy Steers Small and Medium 3
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
1 285 285 122.50 122.50
7 381-397 390 197.00-230.00 210.81
1 425 425 120.00 120.00
16 458-485 461 200.00-211.00 209.55
2 525-530 528 109.00-205.00 157.23
1 575 575 210.00 210.00
1 655 655 180.00 180.00
1 765 765 165.00 165.00
3 848 848 161.00 161.00
1 850 850 159.00 159.00
3 938 938 159.00 159.00
Slaughter Steers
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
6 1065-1525 1282 151.00-176.00 166.18 Choice
5 1150-1530 1380 122.00-202.50 150.76 Select and Choice
Slaughter Heifers
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
8 915-1190 1039 142.00-162.00 149.01 Select and Choice
19 1050-1365 1182 134.00-172.50 153.10 Choice
Slaughter Bulls
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
2 500 500 232.50 232.50
72 845-2430 1545 100.00-149.00 132.17 Low Dressing
109 1085-2335 1680 130.00-159.00 148.19
42 1010-2065 1695 150.00-174.00 161.11 High Dressing
Slaughter Cows
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
148 610-1555 985 60.00-98.00 84.35 Lean, Very Low Dressing
53 715-1270 1036 105.00-135.00 117.89 Lean, High Dressing
163 610-1605 1080 85.00-126.00 110.47 Lean
213 635-1595 1082 50.00-114.00 101.15 Lean, Low Dressing
22 1090-1500 1236 60.00-98.00 89.29 Boner, Very Low Dressing
200 865-1800 1253 90.00-114.00 105.23 Boner, Low Dressing
462 970-2025 1277 106.00-128.00 116.31 Boner
139 980-1715 1306 115.50-141.00 124.33 Boner, High Dressing
3 1320-1640 1495 95.00-96.50 95.51 Breaker, Very Low Dressing
52 1115-2135 1504 100.00-117.00 108.66 Breaker, Low Dressing
100 1170-1870 1529 115.50-144.00 124.70 Breaker, High Dressing
217 1105-2070 1532 108.00-129.00 117.06 Breaker
Slaughter Dairy Heifers
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
2 1080-1205 1143 135.00-140.00 137.36 Select and Choice
33 1678 1678 169.00 169.00 Choice
Slaughter Dairy Steers
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
6 1156 1156 150.00 150.00 Select
1 1460 1460 129.00 129.00 Select
35 1225-1493 1485 139.00-160.00 159.51 Select and Choice
Bred Cows Large 1-2
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
6 1165-1250 1236 99.11-101.94 99.56 Aged, 2nd Stage
6 1300 1300 196.15 196.15 Young, 3rd Stage
Bred Cows Medium 1-2
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
4 700-745 711 119.55-130.80 122.50 Young, 1st Stage
6 875 875 173.71 173.71 Young, 2nd Stage
3 875 875 137.14 137.14 Middle Aged, 1st Stage
2 890-1080 985 106.60-116.75 112.16 Aged, 1st Stage
1 1055 1055 123.22 123.22 Aged, 3rd Stage
1 1155 1155 110.39 110.39 Middle Aged, 2nd Stage
Bred Cows Medium and Large 1-2
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
9 710-1280 1028 77.82-155.64 130.13 Middle Aged, 1st Stage
2 1037 1037 156.70 156.70 Young, 2nd/3rd Stage
27 750-1440 1088 81.34-177.85 146.84 Young, 2nd Stage
3 945-1290 1120 118.30-160.71 143.55 Young, 1st Stage
3 1115-1155 1142 114.71-131.35 120.13 Middle Aged/Aged, 2nd Stage
10 825-1465 1149 89.21-165.36 129.43 Aged, 3rd Stage
1 1150 1150 111.74 111.74 Middle Aged, 2nd/3rd Stage
13 890-1536 1150 78.26-159.57 116.67 Aged, 1st Stage
45 850-1490 1151 60.82-145.53 115.68 Aged, 2nd Stage
10 1017-1360 1183 101.44-164.84 136.59 Young/Middle Aged, 3rd Stage
43 970-1497 1197 104.43-171.26 139.35 Young/Middle Aged, 2nd Stage
93 920-1665 1220 84.02-176.23 135.85 Middle Aged, 2nd Stage
15 945-1430 1241 103.55-181.31 157.78 Young, 3rd Stage
27 980-1505 1280 83.98-158.20 138.10 Middle Aged, 3rd Stage
1 1330 1330 109.02 109.02 Thin Fleshed, Aged, 3rd Stage
14 1015-1602 1478 101.49-120.10 114.85 Young/Middle Aged, 1st Stage
Bred Cows Medium and Large 2-3
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
3 725-1095 877 100.34-128.28 118.89 Young/Middle Aged, 1st Stage
9 835-1295 1013 81.44-148.08 117.93 Young/Middle Aged, 2nd Stage
2 1150-1195 1173 106.56-130.01 118.06 Young/Middle Aged, 3rd Stage
Bred Cows Small 1-2
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
1 730 730 167.81 167.81 Middle Aged, 2nd Stage
Bred Cows Small and Medium 1-2
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
1 680 680 99.27 99.27 Young/Middle Aged, 2nd Stage
1 830 830 141.57 141.57 Middle Aged, 2nd Stage
1 860 860 104.65 104.65 Aged, 3rd Stage
1 870 870 129.31 129.31 Aged, 2nd Stage
Bred Heifers Large 1-2
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
2 1000 1000 167.50 167.50 (<2 yrs), 2nd Stage
4 1050-1075 1056 215.44-239.11 221.46 Young, 2nd Stage
Bred Heifers Large 3
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
1 775 775 140.00 140.00 (<2 yrs), 2nd Stage
Bred Heifers Medium 1-2
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
4 670-815 721 152.57-173.37 163.47 (<2 yrs), 1st Stage
Bred Heifers Medium and Large 1-2
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
3 570-910 725 100.00-151.72 125.39 Young, 1st Stage
9 645-1005 806 99.26-223.33 147.06 (<2 yrs), 2nd Stage
13 767-1205 974 133.47-197.64 164.82 Young, 2nd Stage
1 980 980 201.53 201.53 Young, 3rd Stage
Bred Heifers Medium and Large 2-3
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
1 840 840 130.95 130.95 Young, 3rd Stage
Cow-Calf Pairs Medium and Large 1-2
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
3 1100-1330 1220 119.67-149.59 137.30 Middle Aged, Open, <150 lb calf
16 1088-1430 1231 107.64-247.77 200.21 Young/Middle Aged, Open, 150-300 lb calf
5 1115-1365 1240 129.84-163.31 149.61 Aged, Open, 150-300 lb calf
1 1370 1370 209.85 209.85 Young, Open, 300 lb calf
Cow-Calf Pairs Medium and Large 2-3
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
1 1115 1115 101.79 101.79 Young/Middle Aged, Open, 150-300 lb calf
Cow-Calf Pairs Small and Medium 2-3
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
1 1015 1015 108.37 108.37 Young/Middle Aged, Open, <150 lb calf
Dairy/Beef Heifers Medium and Large 2-3
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
3 435 435 202.50 202.50
8 1145 1145 148.50 148.50
Dairy/Beef Steers Medium and Large 1-2
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
6 390 390 255.00 255.00
6 447 447 263.00 263.00
Dairy/Beef Steers Medium and Large 2-3
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
1 330 330 242.50 242.50
1 350 350 237.50 237.50
4 450-485 469 209.00-222.50 216.82
2 550 550 229.00 229.00
2 672 672 190.00 190.00
10 897 897 174.00 174.00
4 907 907 182.50 182.50
3 996 996 196.00 196.00
Stock Cows Large 1-2
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
1 875 875 179.00 179.00 Young, Open
Stock Cows Medium and Large 1-2
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
15 800-1130 979 115.00-170.00 141.84 Young, Open
20 780-1375 989 91.00-157.74 136.60 Young, Open
1 1015 1015 151.23 151.23 (<2 yrs), Open
5 1020-1115 1039 125.12-145.33 140.99 Young/Middle Aged, Open
11 885-1260 1057 129.00-160.00 144.10 Young/Middle Aged, Open
9 755-1265 1086 101.29-128.91 115.60 Middle Aged, Open
Stock Cows Small and Medium 1-2
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
1 810 810 117.28 117.28 Thin Fleshed, Young/Middle Aged, Open