Colorado - ( Weekly Weighted Average ) - November 12, 2024
Sell Market
Sell Weight
Sell Price
Sell Total
Cost of Gain
Fixed Cost
Replacement Market
Greeley, CO Tue Nov, 12 2024
Colorado Weekly Cattle Auction Summary
Feeder Cattle Weighted Average Report for 11/04/2024
Current Previous Year Ago
—————————— —————————— ——————————
Total 12504 16455 22357
Feeder Cattle 10058 13135 16561
Slaughter Cattle 1527 2194 3100
Replacement Cattle 899 1126 2696
Replacement Dairy Cattle 20 0 0
Compared to last week: Combined weighted average report for 5 Colorado
auction markets included: Centennial Livestock, Winter Livestock, La Junta
Livestock, Sterling Livestock, and Livestock Exchange. Trade activity and
demand moderate to good. Feeder steers and heifers sold uneven this week.
Dairy feeder heifers over 800 lbs were mostly steady to 2.00 lower.
Average dressing slaughter cows and bulls sold steady to 2.00 lower. The
next available report will be Monday, November 18, 2024.
Steers Medium and Large 1
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
4 241 241 331.00 331.00
4 251 251 435.00 435.00 Fancy
9 272-292 279 400.00-413.00 408.46
15 310-330 319 400.00-440.00 411.76 Fancy
27 318-341 331 382.50-420.00 396.59
64 353-375 358 400.00-417.50 413.07 Fancy
6 365 365 405.00 405.00 Unweaned
33 356-383 367 370.00-407.50 390.67
89 408-449 424 342.50-369.00 352.59
48 400-438 431 369.00-380.00 372.37 Unweaned
2 453 453 352.50 352.50 Thin Fleshed
143 453-471 459 330.00-342.50 334.96
34 473 473 345.00 345.00 Unweaned
50 517 517 322.00 322.00 Unweaned
288 506-547 532 292.00-338.00 308.63
47 550 550 305.00 305.00 Fancy
9 554-558 556 290.00-294.00 291.77 Unweaned
320 553-599 580 264.00-303.00 291.96
6 584 584 292.00 292.00 Thin Fleshed
219 609-630 615 260.00-291.00 284.36
90 614-633 630 268.50-276.00 269.81 Unweaned
6 654 654 262.00 262.00 Unweaned
4 656 656 295.00 295.00 Fancy
221 650-698 673 236.00-275.00 262.33
39 701-729 715 241.00-250.00 245.30 Unweaned
172 701-738 719 240.00-263.00 255.75
9 759-761 760 237.00-241.00 238.78
48 802-843 826 229.00-249.50 239.09
5 853 853 251.00 251.00 Thin Fleshed
12 855-859 858 220.00-231.00 227.67
9 933 933 225.00 225.00 Fancy
8 934 934 201.00 201.00
14 971-972 971 216.00-220.00 217.72
2 1023 1023 222.00 222.00 Thin Fleshed
5 1032 1032 197.50 197.50
7 1074 1074 202.00 202.00
Steers Medium and Large 1-2
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
10 260-277 267 340.00-385.00 364.76
16 312 312 340.00 340.00
8 341 341 385.00 385.00 Unweaned
9 358 358 337.50 337.50 Unweaned
51 353-389 383 341.00-384.00 375.35
17 407-435 423 345.00-352.00 347.77 Unweaned
89 405-448 431 322.50-345.00 337.77
11 444 444 305.00 305.00 Full
181 454-498 485 297.50-345.00 317.68
67 500-549 542 274.00-292.00 284.78
91 525-549 543 274.00-310.00 299.42 Unweaned
410 550-598 570 260.00-290.00 279.11
40 570-597 589 269.00-283.00 278.50 Unweaned
198 600-646 629 237.00-277.00 266.44
16 629-634 632 260.00-262.00 261.25 Unweaned
24 655-697 671 239.00-251.00 248.47 Unweaned
179 650-697 682 221.00-276.00 252.04
7 717 717 241.50 241.50 Unweaned
17 733-745 741 221.00-241.00 232.80
15 753-790 764 208.00-235.00 227.56
14 800-814 811 224.00-227.50 226.76
5 875 875 203.00 203.00
1 1165 1165 192.50 192.50
Steers Medium and Large 2
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
5 261 261 325.00 325.00 Unweaned
3 272 272 320.00 320.00
8 323 323 355.00 355.00 Unweaned
8 337 337 315.00 315.00
4 385 385 315.00 315.00
55 416-446 421 210.00-317.50 296.82
4 434 434 251.00 251.00 Unweaned
94 450-498 481 201.00-306.00 286.02
35 505-545 538 200.00-272.00 239.20
68 550-599 568 226.00-266.00 250.00
14 584-593 590 252.00-264.00 259.76 Unweaned
57 600-649 630 223.00-263.00 254.57
20 671-695 683 211.00-238.00 225.86
4 703-713 708 191.00-208.00 199.56
7 754 754 186.00 186.00
Steers Large 1
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
9 387 387 357.50 357.50 Unweaned
11 504 504 297.50 297.50 Unweaned
50 502-539 513 298.00-302.00 299.26
2 595 595 251.00 251.00
15 631-633 632 263.00-265.00 264.20
9 681 681 239.00 239.00
3 855 855 221.00 221.00
Steers Large 1-2
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
11 341 341 346.00 346.00 Unweaned
12 382 382 338.00 338.00
7 439 439 301.00 301.00
24 445 445 312.00 312.00 Unweaned
10 462-465 464 315.00-317.00 316.40
21 578 578 260.00 260.00 Unweaned
58 575-599 587 264.00-268.00 265.65
2 677 677 229.00 229.00
Steers Large 2
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
3 333 333 251.00 251.00
2 378 378 300.00 300.00
9 456 456 266.00 266.00
4 553 553 201.00 201.00
Steers Medium 1
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
2 478 478 277.00 277.00
5 631 631 246.00 246.00
5 663 663 238.00 238.00 Unweaned
3 698 698 235.00 235.00
4 706 706 222.00 222.00 Unweaned
Heifers Medium and Large 1
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
2 195 195 320.51 320.51
7 260 260 326.92 326.92
9 252-295 275 342.50-351.00 348.62
58 326-347 337 335.00-364.00 347.57
20 351 351 355.00-359.00 358.00 Fancy
127 357-394 376 310.00-341.00 329.93
10 370-387 382 328.00-330.00 328.58 Unweaned
17 406-419 413 320.00-330.00 325.66 Unweaned
219 405-449 424 285.00-314.00 300.36
25 436 436 323.00 323.00 Fancy
70 459-464 461 303.00 303.00 Thin Fleshed
189 451-499 471 260.00-295.00 279.11
5 478 478 295.00 295.00 Unweaned
369 501-549 531 243.00-281.00 267.68
65 528-548 536 267.50-273.00 270.59 Unweaned
12 557 557 266.00 266.00 Thin Fleshed
24 550-587 572 254.00-263.00 258.79 Unweaned
348 550-599 573 231.00-265.00 244.25
239 600-642 628 231.00-251.00 241.07
2 648 648 240.00 240.00 Unweaned
12 663 663 234.00 234.00 Unweaned
147 655-697 677 226.00-240.00 236.02
67 714-721 718 225.00-239.00 231.43
54 722 722 245.85 245.85 Thin Fleshed
68 770-796 773 231.00-246.10 244.27 Thin Fleshed
56 758-785 776 218.00-227.00 219.30
181 812-817 815 234.00 234.00 Thin Fleshed
37 823-838 834 208.00-226.00 222.04
9 853-878 867 219.00-226.00 222.94
18 909-939 929 193.00-213.00 199.52
6 977-985 978 192.50-201.00 199.57
5 1079 1079 191.00 191.00
Heifers Medium and Large 1-2
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
2 283 283 312.50 312.50
2 293 293 162.12 162.12 Unweaned
65 310-349 337 291.00-355.00 324.49
47 353-397 379 282.50-335.00 303.69
77 406-445 427 271.00-292.50 282.26
16 445 445 315.00 315.00 Unweaned
82 452-498 474 241.00-286.00 267.46
14 479 479 276.00 276.00 Unweaned
133 503-546 527 226.00-265.00 249.37
16 533-542 540 257.50-267.50 259.35 Unweaned
79 557-597 577 226.00-255.00 247.66
13 587-596 592 245.00-248.00 247.01 Unweaned
33 600-634 623 229.00-246.00 239.46
3 637 637 238.00 238.00 Unweaned
53 673-687 676 210.00-233.00 230.40
4 782-795 785 202.00-223.00 217.68
1 815 815 200.00 200.00
3 850-875 865 190.00-199.00 195.55
15 921-930 922 185.00-185.50 185.47
5 980-988 986 182.50-185.00 184.50
Heifers Medium and Large 2
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
8 256 256 166.02 166.02 Unweaned
3 330 330 287.50 287.50 Unweaned
14 320-348 336 236.00-306.00 256.02
4 375 375 201.00 201.00 Unweaned
63 363-389 376 191.00-290.00 230.74
12 413-443 435 201.00-250.00 230.42
25 469-497 487 211.00-233.00 216.59
5 512 512 227.00 227.00
7 554-590 569 210.00-232.50 222.51
6 562-582 572 232.00-236.00 233.97 Unweaned
7 737 737 150.00 150.00
4 799 799 209.00 209.00
4 825 825 184.00 184.00
Heifers Large 1
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
5 522-525 524 241.00-245.00 242.59
29 555-565 563 241.00-254.00 243.54
7 635 635 237.00 237.00
7 779 779 219.00 219.00
2 1113 1113 172.50 172.50
Heifers Large 1-2
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
9 417 417 286.00 286.00
4 523-530 527 181.00-210.00 195.40
Heifers Large 2
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
8 338 338 191.00 191.00 Unweaned
5 410 410 231.00 231.00
Heifers Medium 1
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
4 649 649 224.00 224.00
5 652 652 222.00 222.00 Unweaned
Bulls Medium and Large 1
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
2 300 300 345.00 345.00
4 316 316 420.00 420.00 Fancy
6 406 406 355.00 355.00 Fancy
6 450-486 474 291.00-320.00 300.18
5 520 520 287.00 287.00
2 628 628 247.50 247.50
5 690 690 220.00 220.00
2 708 708 214.00 214.00
11 887 887 216.00 216.00 (<2 yrs)
6 1118 1118 176.00 176.00 Young
Bulls Medium and Large 1-2
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
4 993 993 160.00 160.00
Dairy Heifers Large 2
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
62 309-343 337 310.00-335.00 319.89
5 351 351 330.00 330.00
24 483 483 270.00 270.00
34 605-619 618 190.00-223.00 221.16
1 680 680 187.50 187.50
6 800-835 817 182.50-188.00 186.59
7 965-990 979 180.00-187.00 182.69
12 1000-1045 1026 174.50-177.50 177.17
3 1060-1080 1072 173.50-177.50 175.82
46 1100-1145 1122 173.50-176.50 175.64
5 1155-1195 1175 174.50-176.50 175.59
18 1212-1244 1228 172.50-175.00 173.73
2 1285-1293 1289 168.50-172.00 170.26
Dairy Heifers Large 2-3
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
21 407 407 275.00 275.00
14 530 530 265.00 265.00
1 585 585 177.50 177.50
5 672 672 179.50 179.50
2 790 790 172.00 172.00
5 925-932 931 175.00-178.50 177.80
1 1085 1085 171.00 171.00
Dairy Heifers Large 3
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
8 343 343 275.00 275.00
9 407 407 255.00 255.00
2 475 475 175.00 175.00
2 635 635 170.00 170.00
1 830 830 167.50 167.50
1 1080 1080 160.00 160.00
1 1270 1270 156.00 156.00
Dairy Heifers Large 3-4
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
10 264 264 230.00 230.00
3 300 300 225.00 225.00
3 437 437 217.50 217.50
19 497 497 197.50 197.50
11 542 542 197.50 197.50
Dairy Heifers Large 4
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
8 238 238 180.00 180.00
12 317-333 325 182.50-190.00 186.16
10 363 363 180.00 180.00
3 462 462 160.00 160.00
2 583 583 167.50 167.50
Dairy Heifers Small 3
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
1 925 925 112.50 112.50
Dairy Steers Large 2
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
17 270 270 395.00 395.00
30 349 349 430.00 430.00
32 370-396 386 395.00-402.50 397.69
23 400-412 411 362.50-375.00 374.47
6 459 459 325.00 325.00
14 503 503 295.00 295.00
11 639 639 233.00 233.00
19 680 680 235.50 235.50
12 722 722 231.00 231.00
1 830 830 200.00 200.00
Dairy Steers Large 2-3
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
23 372-399 390 335.00-367.50 355.96
44 413-416 414 300.00-322.50 310.78
6 472 472 302.50 302.50
27 540 540 255.00 255.00
3 562 562 245.00 245.00
5 920 920 182.50 182.50
Dairy Steers Large 3
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
8 325-348 342 315.00-330.00 318.56
25 381-395 386 295.00-315.00 310.05
3 465 465 267.50 267.50
48 515 515 222.50 222.50
2 555 555 235.00 235.00
2 650 650 210.00 210.00
9 905 905 175.00 175.00
Dairy Steers Large 3-4
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
47 224 224 285.00 285.00
47 292 292 260.00 260.00
86 328-329 328 278.00-280.00 279.44
176 350-392 374 270.00-280.00 276.82
90 400-436 423 220.00-258.00 235.53
48 455-493 459 222.00-235.00 223.85
76 515-527 518 205.00-216.00 213.20
63 559-593 589 200.00-204.00 200.48
10 669 669 185.00 185.00
Dairy Steers Large 4
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
14 182 182 220.00 220.00
20 255-275 270 270.00-275.00 271.18
25 308-342 316 235.00-267.50 261.02
44 355-395 372 250.00-260.00 255.21
15 414 414 200.00 200.00
9 494 494 215.00 215.00
Slaughter Bulls
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
3 1365-1570 1448 135.50-138.50 136.44 Return to Feed
27 1100-2135 1591 116.00-147.00 130.20
2 1560-1685 1623 122.00-125.00 123.56 Return to Feed, Low Dressing
46 1120-2265 1704 130.00-170.00 144.60 High Dressing
2 1605-2000 1803 128.00-129.00 128.55 Low Dressing
Slaughter Cows
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
20 780-1065 956 142.00-185.00 164.04 Return to Feed, Lean, High Dressing
48 870-1265 1039 108.00-137.50 121.96 Lean, High Dressing
209 705-1330 1041 62.00-109.00 98.51 Lean, Low Dressing
11 720-1290 1059 52.50-77.50 65.86 Lean, Very Low Dressing
76 920-1150 1065 86.00-108.00 103.83 Return to Feed, Lean, Low Dressing
207 897-1260 1101 104.00-137.50 112.64 Return to Feed, Lean
22 1020-1380 1130 139.00-177.00 153.42 Return to Feed, Boner, High Dressing
394 805-1390 1184 97.00-119.00 112.41 Lean
11 1220-1575 1318 110.00-117.00 111.04 Return to Feed, Boner, Low Dressing
216 1070-1660 1350 110.00-137.50 127.25 Return to Feed, Boner
271 1035-1880 1411 107.50-119.50 113.21 Boner
13 1020-1555 1427 120.00-142.00 128.92 Boner, High Dressing
4 1220-1670 1488 80.00-91.00 87.44 Boner, Very Low Dressing
121 1160-1723 1493 98.00-109.00 104.43 Boner, Low Dressing
7 1515-1622 1582 126.00-130.00 128.27 Return to Feed, Breaker
14 1505-1875 1607 111.00-128.00 116.93 Breaker
5 1510-1683 1644 120.00-121.00 120.61 Breaker, High Dressing
8 1535-1975 1729 103.00-118.50 111.96 Breaker, Low Dressing
2 1720-1740 1730 115.00-117.00 115.99 Premium White
2 2000-2080 2040 120.00-122.00 121.02 Premium White, Low Dressing
Bred Cows Large 1-2
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
1 1265 1265 118.58 118.58 Middle Aged, 2nd Stage
Bred Cows Medium 1-2
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
3 1105 1105 153.85 153.85 Young/Middle Aged, 2nd Stage
14 1351-1372 1359 131.35-132.45 131.75 Middle Aged, 2nd Stage
Bred Cows Medium and Large 1
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
15 960-1233 1081 145.70-187.33 176.90 Young, 2nd Stage
6 1005-1350 1159 129.42-176.88 144.34 Young/Middle Aged, 2nd Stage
2 1198 1198 139.82 139.82 Young, 1st Stage
33 1160-1298 1221 116.71-129.81 123.45 Aged, 2nd Stage
25 1159-1510 1240 120.97-143.15 127.72 Middle Aged, 2nd Stage
12 1252 1252 117.81 117.81 Middle Aged/Aged, 2nd Stage
3 1263 1263 144.50 144.50 Middle Aged, 3rd Stage
7 1260-1388 1315 117.87-131.18 125.16 Aged, 2nd/3rd Stage
3 1322 1322 114.22 114.22 Young/Middle Aged, 2nd/3rd Stage
6 1328 1328 129.90 129.90 Middle Aged/Aged, 3rd Stage
Bred Cows Medium and Large 1-2
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
3 930-1038 1002 119.76-224.55 192.13 Young, 2nd Stage
2 1148 1148 161.15 161.15 Young/Middle Aged, 1st Stage
15 1113-1285 1187 202.19-231.68 218.13 Young/Middle Aged, 2nd Stage
9 1190 1190 117.65 117.65 Aged, 2nd/3rd Stage
10 1226 1226 116.23 116.23 Thin Fleshed, Aged, 2nd Stage
2 1230 1230 174.80 174.80 Middle Aged, 3rd Stage
83 1098-1590 1315 96.96-153.99 127.21 Aged, 2nd Stage
80 1050-1460 1328 88.48-167.55 129.45 Middle Aged/Aged, 2nd Stage
89 1244-1540 1340 167.91-199.63 183.48 Middle Aged, 2nd Stage
8 1241-1440 1341 126.77-141.69 134.78 Aged, 1st/2nd Stage
8 1536 1536 134.12 134.12 Middle Aged, 1st Stage
Bred Cows Medium and Large 2
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
5 809 809 109.39 109.39 Young, 2nd Stage
12 1109 1109 117.22 117.22 Thin Fleshed, Aged, 1st/2nd Stage
3 1122 1122 187.17 187.17 Young/Middle Aged, 2nd Stage
10 1206 1206 107.79 107.79 Thin Fleshed, Aged, 2nd Stage
7 1304 1304 155.29 155.29 Middle Aged, 2nd Stage
Bred Heifers Medium 1-2
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
3 983 983 198.37 198.37 Young, 2nd Stage
Bred Heifers Medium 2
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
10 812 812 184.73 184.73 (<2 yrs), 1st/2nd Stage
Bred Heifers Medium and Large 1
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
9 738 738 179.54 179.54 Young, 2nd/3rd Stage
9 793-904 876 155.25-205.48 190.31 Young, 2nd Stage
1 935 935 171.12 171.12 Young, 3rd Stage
2 985-1000 993 168.68-173.72 171.18 Young, 1st Stage
Bred Heifers Medium and Large 1-2
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
5 924 924 281.39 281.39 (<2 yrs), 2nd Stage
11 1110-1155 1143 209.97-223.10 213.45 Young, 2nd Stage
Bred Heifers Medium and Large 2
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
1 735 735 125.85 125.85 Young, 1st Stage
Cow-Calf Pairs Medium and Large 1-2
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
2 1078 1078 231.91 231.91 Young/Middle Aged, Open, <150 lb calf
6 1494-1525 1504 154.59-184.51 174.40 Middle Aged, Open, <150 lb calf
18 1544-1589 1573 171.65-182.77 178.76 Middle Aged, Open, 150-300 lb calf
2 1608 1608 152.36 152.36 Middle Aged/Aged, Open, <150 lb calf
8 1608 1608 171.02 171.02 Young/Middle Aged, Open, 150-300 lb calf
1 1625 1625 150.77 150.77 Aged, Open, 150-300 lb calf
Dairy/Beef Heifers Medium and Large 2
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
1 1025 1025 180.00 180.00
Heifer Pairs Medium 1-2
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
2 910 910 263.74 263.74 Young, Open, <150 lb calf
Springer Heifers
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
4 1015-1245 1148 113.24-121.95 115.60 Common, 3rd Stage
8 1065-1260 1180 129.24-148.31 141.25 Medium, 3rd Stage
7 1185-1580 1369 131.48-147.92 141.45 Approved, 3rd Stage
Stock Cows Medium and Large 1
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
1 605 605 203.00 203.00 Thin Fleshed, (<2 yrs), Open
2 630-675 653 160.00-182.50 170.86 (<2 yrs), Open
74 690-999 801 200.00-211.00 205.60 Thin Fleshed, Young, Open
196 665-1075 894 160.00-197.50 177.12 Young, Open
3 963 963 220.00 220.00 Fancy, Young, Open
Stock Cows Medium and Large 1-2
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
2 653 653 142.50 142.50 (<2 yrs), Open
101 675-1175 975 145.00-176.00 155.11 Young, Open
Stock Cows Medium and Large 2
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
29 898-1180 1059 141.00-159.00 151.39 Young, Open